Saturday, December 9, 2017

Lies Yet Again- McFall again pushed Un Truths!!

 During the Dec 4, 2017 City Council meeting Councilman James McFall defended his agenda item for changing City Council meeting to ONE per Month, on the 3rd Monday.  McFall stated: The City Charter says, One meeting per month to be held on the 3rd Monday.  When asked where in the Charter was this written.  MCFall, declared "It's up to you to find it!"
  This is the normal "intimidation" employed by the previous council.  McFall was talking out of back side, because the Charter states NO SUCH THING as was Noted by new councilwoman Joan Pedrotti during the discussion of the agenda item.
  McFall, Jacobi and Shelton took turns making Motions to Table agenda item after agenda item!  You have to watch the video to understand the mayhem.
  The one Major agenda item concerned the Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department, Bugle Crew.  Seems there is something AMISS in the organizations filings.  Without offering any additional information Jim Shelton motioned
   Authorizing the City Manager to enforce the exclusive Authority of Windcrest Volunteer Fire Department Bugle Crew, to represent the City and WVFD in connection with Fundraising.  To include attorney fees.  This is the 1st time FUNDRAISING has been mentioned. Mmmmm??

Light up is only a few day away, Dec 9th and things are not in order.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Free Room and Board in Windcrest

  Windcrest's new Fire Chief takes over, fires several long time firefighters.  Empties the Dorms for himself.  After arrival the Fire Chief declared the Fire Dorms a total mess, in need of major repairs and proceeded to shut them down.
    One Dorm is currently completely empty and shut down for repairs.  All residents, but one, of the other Dorm were told to vacate the dorm.  Why?

  Answer: The Fire Chief  moved in!  Yes, the Dorm is good enough for the Fire Chief.  He now resides in the nearly empty Fire Dorm.  Free utilities, free yard maintenance, free Internet and Free Cable TV.  He probably pulls rank for control of the TV Remote too.

  Volunteer Fireman lived in those dorms.  The Dorms are Not for full time paid employees.  You would think his salary would be reflect the additional benefit.  Nope, Sorry, he gets the full paid employee package, Plus FREE room and board. 

  If he ever had any integrity he sold it taking on the mayors bidding.

  Why is a paid employee allowed to reside in the Dorm?


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Windcrest in 30 Minutes

This You Tube link is Fantastic!  Watch a few of these videos and you will understand why Windcrest needs new leadership.  

Vote Reese for Mayor.  

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Resign-Windcrest Ricky Cockerham

This Council Person should be recalled.    The video below is from when he spoke at city council.  He mentions honor, pride, citizenship, being a veteran etc.  He failed to mention he was charged with a Felony after a Grand Jury indicted him.  Mr. Cockerham,  plead Guilty to a reduced charge in lieu of a trial.    Enough said.

 The charge is Public Record, available to anyone at the Bexar County Court House.  Windcrest deserves people with Integrity and honesty on City Council. Mr. Cockerham has proven he lacks both, but failed to disclose that fact.   Rick Cockerham should withdraw from the elections and/or Resign immediately.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Where did Windcrest Street Repair Money Go?

  For the past several years, Jim Shelton, Street Committee said, street repair will start after light up.  Last night Jim Shelton said in a very  arrogant attitude,  If the Citizens want their streets fixed they will vote for the Bond.

  Re-run: Reduce the tax rate every year, spend money on Pond lighting +$350,000, little league fencing +$250,000, but very little on the streets.  Where did the money in the street fund go?  The street fund may be included in the "Rainy Day" fund, or emergency operating fund.  There is doubt that Windcrest has 4 months of emergency funds AND a 2 million in the Street Fund. Why else the Bond proposal?

  Mayor Baxter like to dress down the Volunteer Fire Association  on their Fund raising, indicating they lost money on the Gala.

  Says, he has seen the Gala figures and they are not what was reported..  Really?

  Alan Baxter started the Gala and guess what.  There has NEVER been a detailed accounting for the money spent on the Gala or the proceeds from the Gala.  All Baxter ever says is "Made more than Ever", 'Did really Good", Thousands of Dollars Profit", on and on.  But there has NEVER been a detailed accounting of the Gala event.

  Before Baxter took over, the Volunteer Fire Department use to post on their outdoor marque the amount made from the Picnic etc.  Actually amounts were posted for all to see.

  Last night during the City Council meeting, Mayor Baxter, said  "We (council) don't know how much the Volunteer Association took in"!  "We con't know how much balance they have in their account!
  Really!!  City Council has no business prying into the Fire Association accounts.

 Leave the Volunteer Fire Association alone and concentrate on your own house!  The street in Windcrest are terrible, street fund is somehow depleted and now Council wants a Bond, probably $5-$10 Million Bond.  Windcrest needs accountability and really need to address their spending priorities.  

Monday, August 28, 2017

Character Flaws in Windcrest

Windcrest Candidates with serious character flaws.  Alan Baxter is running for Mayor once again, and Irv Gerrow is running for Windcrest City Council.  Jim Shelton is currently a sitting council member.    You can see from the Ethics Violations attached that these three has serious character deficiencies and should not hold public office. 

All were investigated by the Texas Ethics Commission and assess fines for Violations.  

Baxter, Alan E. was fined some $1,000 for Ethics Violations!

Irv Gerrow,  Go-Windcrest_PAC Treasurer was fined $600 for Ethics Violations!

Jim Shelton, Council Member, was fined $250 for Ethics Violation!

  These fellas don't care, because these fines came AFTER they were Elected!  These three actually Bought the Election.    The Ethics Commission takes Election Violations seriously, however, the investigation and assessing the penalties takes awhile.

  Remember the last time Alan Baxter ran for Mayor.  He won, then a couple of months later filed for Bexar County Commissioners seat.  Just another example of his character.

Windcrest needs Change, Vote Integrity.

See link for Ethics Commission Documents.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Water Board President Denies Existance

 During the Feb 22, 2017 Water District WCID10 Board meeting a citizen commented that the current project for additional facilities on Randolph Blvd was the result the boards own assessment of their need for more space and confirmed by the Raba-Kistner report.  The Water District  President, Ms. Sue Alexander responded to the citizen's comment saying, she has looked for the Raba Kistner report and it appears not to exist.

The entire Raba-Kistner report is the City's web site and available here.

Raba-Kistner was hired to evaluate all the facilities and streets within Windcrest and develop a Capital Investment Program for the City of Windcrest.   Raba-Kistner completed their assessment and provided City Council with a Presentation of their recommendations.

Page 1 of that report, last paragraph, addresses the City Maintenance facilities as being inadequate!  Raba-Kistner recommended a $294,000 addition to the maintenance complex.

Page 8 Maintenance Complex, recommendations:  add 4,200 sq feet of shop space # $70 sq foot to the maintenance complex! 

 Another of the 3 women had asked previously, Why the 4,000 Sq Ft facility?  Duh, read the report!

  Now the majority of the board (3 women) have completely disregarded the entire Raba-Kistner CIP assessment!  These 3 women are of the opinion they know better than any engineering firm and have voted to scrap the prior Water Boards decision to build a 4,000 Sq Ft facility which will cost the Water District a minimum of $105,000 and probably much more.

  It's rather obvious these three women know nothing about what is going on.  They have no desire to do any research or read the reports cunnently on hand.  They simply want to flex their muscle and scrap the entire project because these three think the 4,000 sq ft building was nothing but a large garage.  Read the Raba-Kistner report ladies!