Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Water Board President Denies Existance

 During the Feb 22, 2017 Water District WCID10 Board meeting a citizen commented that the current project for additional facilities on Randolph Blvd was the result the boards own assessment of their need for more space and confirmed by the Raba-Kistner report.  The Water District  President, Ms. Sue Alexander responded to the citizen's comment saying, she has looked for the Raba Kistner report and it appears not to exist.

The entire Raba-Kistner report is the City's web site and available here.

Raba-Kistner was hired to evaluate all the facilities and streets within Windcrest and develop a Capital Investment Program for the City of Windcrest.   Raba-Kistner completed their assessment and provided City Council with a Presentation of their recommendations.

Page 1 of that report, last paragraph, addresses the City Maintenance facilities as being inadequate!  Raba-Kistner recommended a $294,000 addition to the maintenance complex.

Page 8 Maintenance Complex, recommendations:  add 4,200 sq feet of shop space # $70 sq foot to the maintenance complex! 

 Another of the 3 women had asked previously, Why the 4,000 Sq Ft facility?  Duh, read the report!

  Now the majority of the board (3 women) have completely disregarded the entire Raba-Kistner CIP assessment!  These 3 women are of the opinion they know better than any engineering firm and have voted to scrap the prior Water Boards decision to build a 4,000 Sq Ft facility which will cost the Water District a minimum of $105,000 and probably much more.

  It's rather obvious these three women know nothing about what is going on.  They have no desire to do any research or read the reports cunnently on hand.  They simply want to flex their muscle and scrap the entire project because these three think the 4,000 sq ft building was nothing but a large garage.  Read the Raba-Kistner report ladies!