Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Where did Windcrest Street Repair Money Go?

  For the past several years, Jim Shelton, Street Committee said, street repair will start after light up.  Last night Jim Shelton said in a very  arrogant attitude,  If the Citizens want their streets fixed they will vote for the Bond.

  Re-run: Reduce the tax rate every year, spend money on Pond lighting +$350,000, little league fencing +$250,000, but very little on the streets.  Where did the money in the street fund go?  The street fund may be included in the "Rainy Day" fund, or emergency operating fund.  There is doubt that Windcrest has 4 months of emergency funds AND a 2 million in the Street Fund. Why else the Bond proposal?

  Mayor Baxter like to dress down the Volunteer Fire Association  on their Fund raising, indicating they lost money on the Gala.

  Says, he has seen the Gala figures and they are not what was reported..  Really?

  Alan Baxter started the Gala and guess what.  There has NEVER been a detailed accounting for the money spent on the Gala or the proceeds from the Gala.  All Baxter ever says is "Made more than Ever", 'Did really Good", Thousands of Dollars Profit", on and on.  But there has NEVER been a detailed accounting of the Gala event.

  Before Baxter took over, the Volunteer Fire Department use to post on their outdoor marque the amount made from the Picnic etc.  Actually amounts were posted for all to see.

  Last night during the City Council meeting, Mayor Baxter, said  "We (council) don't know how much the Volunteer Association took in"!  "We con't know how much balance they have in their account!
  Really!!  City Council has no business prying into the Fire Association accounts.

 Leave the Volunteer Fire Association alone and concentrate on your own house!  The street in Windcrest are terrible, street fund is somehow depleted and now Council wants a Bond, probably $5-$10 Million Bond.  Windcrest needs accountability and really need to address their spending priorities.  

Monday, August 28, 2017

Character Flaws in Windcrest

Windcrest Candidates with serious character flaws.  Alan Baxter is running for Mayor once again, and Irv Gerrow is running for Windcrest City Council.  Jim Shelton is currently a sitting council member.    You can see from the Ethics Violations attached that these three has serious character deficiencies and should not hold public office. 

All were investigated by the Texas Ethics Commission and assess fines for Violations.  

Baxter, Alan E. was fined some $1,000 for Ethics Violations!

Irv Gerrow,  Go-Windcrest_PAC Treasurer was fined $600 for Ethics Violations!

Jim Shelton, Council Member, was fined $250 for Ethics Violation!

  These fellas don't care, because these fines came AFTER they were Elected!  These three actually Bought the Election.    The Ethics Commission takes Election Violations seriously, however, the investigation and assessing the penalties takes awhile.

  Remember the last time Alan Baxter ran for Mayor.  He won, then a couple of months later filed for Bexar County Commissioners seat.  Just another example of his character.

Windcrest needs Change, Vote Integrity.

See link for Ethics Commission Documents.