Thursday, October 26, 2017

Free Room and Board in Windcrest

  Windcrest's new Fire Chief takes over, fires several long time firefighters.  Empties the Dorms for himself.  After arrival the Fire Chief declared the Fire Dorms a total mess, in need of major repairs and proceeded to shut them down.
    One Dorm is currently completely empty and shut down for repairs.  All residents, but one, of the other Dorm were told to vacate the dorm.  Why?

  Answer: The Fire Chief  moved in!  Yes, the Dorm is good enough for the Fire Chief.  He now resides in the nearly empty Fire Dorm.  Free utilities, free yard maintenance, free Internet and Free Cable TV.  He probably pulls rank for control of the TV Remote too.

  Volunteer Fireman lived in those dorms.  The Dorms are Not for full time paid employees.  You would think his salary would be reflect the additional benefit.  Nope, Sorry, he gets the full paid employee package, Plus FREE room and board. 

  If he ever had any integrity he sold it taking on the mayors bidding.

  Why is a paid employee allowed to reside in the Dorm?


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Windcrest in 30 Minutes

This You Tube link is Fantastic!  Watch a few of these videos and you will understand why Windcrest needs new leadership.  

Vote Reese for Mayor.  

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Resign-Windcrest Ricky Cockerham

This Council Person should be recalled.    The video below is from when he spoke at city council.  He mentions honor, pride, citizenship, being a veteran etc.  He failed to mention he was charged with a Felony after a Grand Jury indicted him.  Mr. Cockerham,  plead Guilty to a reduced charge in lieu of a trial.    Enough said.

 The charge is Public Record, available to anyone at the Bexar County Court House.  Windcrest deserves people with Integrity and honesty on City Council. Mr. Cockerham has proven he lacks both, but failed to disclose that fact.   Rick Cockerham should withdraw from the elections and/or Resign immediately.