Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Granicus the Worst

  Granicus is currently used by the City of Windcrest as the Official minutes of the City Council Meetings.  Problem is Granicus does NOT function correctly.   Granicus has many problem and is probably the worst product available for recording official municipal minutes.
  Granicus seems to think once they have sold the product to a city they can ignore the problems with their product and simply point their finger elsewhere.  They do NOT respond to email inquiries as to the issues of failed recordings.

  In many industries "Customer Satisfaction" is considered the number one issue needed to increase product market share.  Word of mouth and good referrals from current customers is always highly sought after.  However, Granicus on the other hand, feels once you sign a contract, you are at our mercy. 

 Does Granicus care about Customer Satisfaction?   Evidently not, as for the past few months Granicus has failed to record the official minutes of Windcrest City Council.  Windcrest has resorted to recording official meeting via a tripod mounted video camera.  The quality of the sound is terrible and the video is not much better.

 If you are a Granicus customer you should have a Tripod video camera ready in the wings because you will need it soon. 

 An inferior product ultimately overloads the tech support department, then the customer has to resort to tripod video cameras as a work around for poor tech support.

It's high time to ditch Granicus and purchase a product that actually works as advertised.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Jan 22, 2018 Windcrest City Council Citizens to be Heard

Jan 22, 2018 Citizens to be Hear Comments
  Non Agenda Citizens Comments:

1Did not record until the 2nd speaker.

8Sherillyn Flick


  David Diaz

Agenda Topics Citizens Comments

11.      Kim Wright

22.    Bill Lambridges

33.    Rita Davis

TThe Rest of Council Bussiness starting with item 4.