Saturday, July 28, 2018

Revenge-Windcrest Springbrook Incentives

  Windcrest Springbrook Senior Development request Tax incentives for 15years.  The Windcrest Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) previous executive director , Robert Colunga, stated he was contracted to receive $1 Million Dollars commission for his efforts in securing nearly $7million dollars in Tax Incentives.
  Mr. Walt Busby, the Windcrest Springbrook Senior Development spokesman for the Windcrest Springbrook Senior Development Investors introduced Mr. Robert Colunga as his assistant during a 2018 presentation to Windcrest City Council.  Just a few months later, Mr. Robert Colunga sued the City of Windcrest Mayor because he figures the Mayor caused the developers to cancel his consulting contract which should have netted him in exceeded $1 Million Dollars.   
  Recently the Windcrest Springbrook Senior Development Investors stated they no longer employ Mr. Colunga.
  Mr. Colunga says he had a contract to received 15% of incentives obtained from Windcrest, which would total over $1 Million dollars.  Mr. Colunga would have to pay his team a portion of those earnings to seal the deal. 
  Windcrest City Councilman, Gerd Jacobi, James McFall and Jim Shelton were solid supporters of Springbrook Senior Development until Mr. Colunga was terminated by Springbrook Developers.  Since that terminations these councilman concocted a 'noisy' recall petition, the very thing the Springbrook developers warned City Council that they did not like- Noise!   They like it Quiet!
  Mr. McFall stated during council meeting that Revenge was normal, bottom line.  Does this mean McFall, Jacoby and Shelton took revenge on Springbrook for discharging Robert Colunga?  After all Mr. Colunga no longer has $1 Million Dollars to split with his team.  Revenge?  McFall there will be Revenge

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Valuable Information to Consider

Below are video clips from council meetings that tend to show how three councilmen are undermining the city government.  Plus several on the incentive package being considered for Springbrook Senior Living Campus.  Jan 22 Busby does not like Jan 22 Reads Investor’s letter  Jan 22 Shelton will be another Recall Jan 22 McFall there will be Revenge Jacobi asks for Investigation Irv= Resolution not ready- simple Jun 14 wedc open comments re NEISD NOT WEDC Sue- Public Hearing lose $3,326 dollars